Apr 6 2022 · Last Night @ School Committee Recap · Ep. 53

What happens at each Boston School Committee meeting has big implications for our students and our city. In “Last Night @ School Committee,” Jill Shah and Ross Wilson recap the highlights of each meeting, provide commentary and context, and shine a light on the decisions our leaders are making.

At last night’s meeting, the School Committee heard reports on the Superintendent search, new school buildings and transportation contracts.The meeting began with the Superintendent’s report, in which the Superintendent covered school safety, masking in schools, enrollment and school choice updates that included new data on family choice, and the ongoing State review of Boston Public Schools. The Superintendent mentioned that the State will be providing the district with the results of their review by early-to-mid May.

The majority of last night’s meeting featured a long public comment session, with testimony from numerous school communities advocating for support over longstanding issues.

The first report of the night was an update on the superintendent search, with Committee members presenting a finalized job description and the naming of the search firm for the search process. Later in the evening, the Committee heard reports on building repairs and the transportation contract with Transdev.

The next School Committee meeting will take place Wednesday, April 27 at 5pm.

Here are some of the questions that we think are worth asking:

  • What is the long term plan for BPS school buildings? School Committee members continue to ask this question. The Superintendent last year mentioned an RFP to create a campus master plan, which we still have not seen. Will there be a master campus planning process?

  • What are the core values guiding the future of the district, and how will those values be reflected in the superintendent search? What are the key characteristics  and priorities for the new superintendent? And how will the new job description ensure these key characteristics and priorities are met?

  • When will the district address chronic transportation issues, and when will a task force be implemented to look into these issues? Parents and community stakeholders continue to address their concerns with transportation in the city

  • Will the issues with the Sumner, Mission Hill, Horace Mann School, BDEA, Hale, McKinley, Shaw and more be resolved before they become the issues for the next Superintendent?

  • What are the priorities for BPS on the new BTU contract? Will this contract be resolved before the end of the school year?

  • What will the impact of the delayed assignment process be on enrollment for the upcoming school year?

Ways to Engage and Resources:

  • Testify at a City Council budget hearing in the coming weeks to share your thoughts on the district’s budget.

  • Fill out the BPS Superintendent Search Survey to share your thoughts on the qualities, vision, and experience that you would like to see in the next superintendent. 


Apr 27 2022 · Last Night @ School Committee Recap · Ep. 54


Mar 23 2022 · Last Night @ School Committee Recap · Ep. 52